Wednesday 8 October 2014

On a lighter note...

The last few posts have been somewhat serious in nature. I do apologise. If you are still here, may I take the time to thank you for hanging in there.

Now that we know each other a little better, I’m going to tell you my big secret.

I drive a BMW.

Yes, it’s true. And probably not that big a secret, if I’m honest. I know, it sounds like I’m shallow, and I’m not. I still use the indicator, which one of my witty friends explained to me by saying that obviously the douchebag didn’t install properly, but I do love my car. It has a sunroof. I live in a sunny country. It’s a match made in heaven.

I love cars. I love speed, and I love German engineering. I love a lot of other German things too, like German beer and German men. But their cars… their cars are their greatest contribution to our society. Well, that and Lederhosen, obviously. 
Pictured: Germany's second-greatest contribution to humanity

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