Thursday 30 October 2014

Purple Haze

Every year in October, the town I live in becomes a blaze of purple. This is from the Jakaranda trees planted by some well-meaning soul back in the early days of Pretoria. I must confess that I love them. They are beautiful, and the colour is so gorgeous that it feels as if Pretoria is under a gossamer purple blanket.

Unfortunately, this well-meaning soul ended up doing more harm than good. Jakarandas are an alien species here in South Africa, and although they are well-suited to the climate, they have become pests. The pollen is highly allergenic, and they steal water from indigenous plants.

Sometimes, it's hard to tell what's good and what's not. I am constantly being exhorted to try an "all-natural" cure for stress, weight loss, hair growth and many other things. The people who are peddling these products are, by and large, well-meaning. They are merely agents, and as such have no idea that there is absolutely no regulation in the herbal supplement industry. Stuff made in China may contain the same contaminant that was found in baby formula, but because it's 'all-natural", it's ok.

Well, I have news for you, suckers. Plutonium is all natural. Wouldn't want to stir that in my coffee, if it's all the same to you.

Snake venom is all natural. No preservatives there either. Would I drink it? I don't believe so. Not everything "natural" is good.

The Jakarandas are slowly being eradicated. It is now illegal to plant one, and the municipality is chopping down many of the older trees along public thoroughfares. Although I think it's a shame to cut down a tree, I understand that these pretty predators are causing damage to the ecosystem. In the same way, I am cutting out all the pretty predators in my life. Because in the long run, it's going to be better for me.

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