Sunday 12 October 2014

The Power of Words, and the word "Power"

There can be no doubt that words have power. in the hands of a skilled orator, words can change the world. Words can heal, or harm. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never been on the receiving end of a tongue-lashing, delivered with devastating accuracy right to the jugular.

I am very good with words. I can seamlessly integrate an obscure Latin phrase into everyday conversation, and my vocabulary is frankly dazzling. 

I am very afraid of not having power.

This could mean different things. It could mean that I am powerless to take charge of my life. It could mean I am powerless to move my legs. It could mean, quite literally, that I am sitting in the dark because the bloody power went out again.

All these things scare me, but being the dark scares me a lot. I recently suffered through a three-day power outage. Cables were stolen from the substation that serves my neighbourhood, and as a result, we had no electricity. For three of the longest days of my life.

How much for granted we take this terrifying force of nature! I can't even understand why it causes me so much fear. I am not afraid of the dark, really, I am afraid of being powerless. I missed the hot shower a lot. It was during Winter, and I'll not deny that not having a shower can really affect your well-being. Thanks to the kindness of friends, I was able to shower at their house and take a small step towards feeling better.

 But it was coming home to the dark house, knowing that there would be no distraction from thinking, no TV, no light to keep the demons at bay, that started wearing on my emotional state. 

As you know, I overreact. Spectacularly. So what else could I do, but the only logical option available to me. I bought a generator. This generator.

Sweet Orange Box of Electrocution and Illumination!

I've not used it yet. The power has gone out a few times, but always came back on within hours. Yet every day, when I get home from the office, I see my sweet orange box and it gives me that little bit of security, knowing that I can push back the forces of darkness.

It makes me feel like Buffy!

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