Friday 17 October 2014

The list is life

"The list is life" is a quote from Schindler's List (the film). For people like me, lists are important. I tend to get distracted easily. My mind races, and when I meet you, I'm already imagining how we are going to go through an ugly break-up. One of the many reasons why I'm single, by the way. That and the fact that my mission statement is "Trust no-one".

The lists help to keep me focused. There is a great sense of achievement is crossing something off a list, and it helps to motivate me, especially when I'm feeling down on myself or anxious about something. 

A few posts ago I mentioned my bucket list twice. Number one on that list is visiting the Grand Canyon. I have heard people say that that is one of the only natural wonders that exceeds our expectations of it. 

One of my bucket list items was Stonehenge, which I saw in January 2012. There is no question that it is an incredible place, and there is an atmosphere there which is ethereal and other-worldly. 

Author's own picture. All Rights Reserved

I have only ever experienced that feeling in one other place, Mont St-Michel in France, which was also a bucket list item I crossed off in 2003.


 However, Stonehenge is a lot smaller than I expected, and there are two main roads which go right past it. You don't see that in the pictures usually. I have such high expectations, and I get so excited about something, that it's hard not to feel a tiny twinge of disappointment when something turns out not to be exactly as pictured. I am given to understand, though, that the Grand Canyon is more spectacular in reality than in any imagination of it. I look forward to finding out for myself, and perhaps posting some pictures here! 

Last night, I took the first step towards another bucket list item. I have always wanted to play the drums, and last night, I had my first real lesson. I did well, and I have managed to master the 4th notes on the high-hat, snare drum and bass drum, and also 8th notes on the hat. I have a fantastic teacher, Jesse, who is very patient, full of praise and very professional. I am never going to take Lars Ulrich's seat for Metallica, I'm probably not even ever going to play in public, but the fact that I decided to take a step which, for a 47 year old, is probably fairly unusual, despite grave anxiety about it, makes me appreciate just how far down the road I've come. 

Lists are important, and should be used properly and not abused by compulsive behaviour. A bucket list is the most important one of all, because it is unlimited. I know that I probably won't get to see and do everything on my bucket list, but you know I'm going to try. 

1 comment:

  1. Stonehenge! I crossed that one off my list in 2005. This was the days B.GE ( Before Google Earth ) so somehow I missed the fact that it sits between two roads despite driving there in a little rental car with a map on my lap that, duh, clearly showed the roads.

    It was surprisingly small, so I was a bit disappointed, but still! Stonehenge! THE Stonehenge.

    I also visited Avebury and the Rollright Stones on that trip, and both of those, while less famous, had more awesome.

    Regarding the Grand Canyon - I've taken two sets of visitors there, and from their reactions, I'd say, it exceeded their expectations mightily. So there's hope!

    Drums! Exciting. I gave up on re-learning the piano, finally caving in to reality that tiny hands that can't even span an octave, combined with a tin ear, is too much for a novice to overcome. Living in the American West, I've turned to a more appropriate instrument. Yes, I have a harmonica :-) I have a big mouth too, so it is working out better than the piano.
