Thursday, 16 October 2014

So where is the sarcasm?

When I set up this blog, it was originally intended to be a chronicle of my weight loss journey. I felt that there would be many opportunities for sarcasm on this particular subject. I'm by way of being a sarcastic person by default, and the name stuck. 

Please be assured, dear reader, I will be sarcastic in the coming posts. There is no escaping my caustic tongue. I do want to make it clear, however, that I am not mocking or in any way denigrating any sufferers of any mental disorder or illness. Far from it. I will be telling you all about my ridiculous overreactions to the tiniest situations, and how I'm learning to deal with them and take myself less seriously.

On the other hand, unremitting earnestness is frankly dull. I will therefore be throwing in the odd musing about life, the world, my two wiener dogs, life... wait - there are wiener dogs, you say? 

Well, yes. Yes there are. More specifically, these two. 


It would not be an exaggeration to say that these two fellows kept me functioning during the very dark days. I also have good friends. Patient, supportive, understanding and above all, patient. They also helped me, and in some ways, saved my life. 

Nothing I have achieved would have been possible without the support of my father. He is a man among millions, and I am his magnum opus.

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