Thursday 9 October 2014

Things I learnt from a three-legged dog

One of my wieners has three legs. He lost his fourth leg when he was struck by a car, and the leg was too damaged to save. He came to me full-grown, and bearing the name Quattro, which seems somewhat cruel. I call him Jethro, which he doesn't seem to mind, because he is missing a couple of teeth and has a distinct goofiness about him. 

This guy.

 Because life is unfair, Quattro also suffers from a very rare auto-immune disease which requires him to take immuno-suppressing medication and cortisone, which adds to his overall rotundity. 

Despite these obstacles, Quattro has a fantastic life. He gets love, treats, walks, and even more love. I get much more than that back.  He has taught me many things, but here are a few important ones: 
  •  When something bad happens to you, adapt. Whether your scars are physical or psychic, learn to live with them. Quattro on three legs is faster than I am. 
  • Never give up. It took us almost a year to diagnose his auto-immune condition, during which he suffered from it, losing his hair and itching. Quattro never gave up, and he trusted me not to give up either. 
  • The love that an animal has for you is like no other love on earth, and it can be life-saving. 
  • Sometimes a bark is better than a bite, but sometimes, you really need to bite. 
  • Enjoy food like you don't know when your next meal is coming. Even if your food is basically compacted dirt. 
  • Treats are important, and baths are too. 
  • Do everything you do with abandon. This includes sleeping. 

Pictured: Sleeping with abandon

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